Hi I'm Brooke,



I love spending time at the ocean, going for hikes, dancing in the woods, hanging with friends (most of who are creative entrepreneurs, coaches and healers), learning about all things spiritual, intuitive, somatics, psychology and travelling.

I am an intuitive business coach with over 10 years of experience in soul-led entrepreneurship. I have a passion for dance, healing, intuitive development, leadership, mental health, connection, women's group and so much more.  I have a degree in Psychology and from a young age have been fascinated by all things healing, personal development, healing the body through the mind and healing the mind through the body. Somatic healing, dance healing, embodiment work have been my jam since I struggled with depression and anxiety as a teenager.
I love to follow my heart and soul and I listen to my internal guidance system which has helped me heal from an eating disorder, anxiety and depression and build the life of my dreams!

I grew up in a small Ontario town where I knew and was related to everyone. It was quite the community, and I had a mother who was a nurse, who left the medical field and became a coach working with naturopaths and homeopaths, and was into Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, and the science of the mind and body connection.

Needless to say my fascination with personal development and healing work started from a young age.

When I was a teenager my father was diagnosed with cancer and given a few months to live, and with my mother’s knowledge they healed him with both nutrition and the knowledge of the body and the power of the mind, reiki, acupuncture and deep emotional healing work. It was a miracle.


Around this time I also developed an awful 7 year eating disorder and struggled with depression and anxiety and I started out on my journey of self discovery. I knew I needed to heal myself (with help from others).

This lead me getting a degree in Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University, volunteering around the world in developing countries, working with naturopaths, homeopaths, counsellors, energy healers and diving into healing through movement and dance. I travelled the world learning about dance from different cultures and how many cultures use dance to connect, celebrate, grieve and to heal.


I knew I needed to heal myself (with help from others).


I spent the next 10 years living in Toronto and travelling to over 23 countries teaching workshops and running  dance and healing retreats about how to LOVE your body, LOVE yourself, and connect to and FEEL your emotions. I studied energy healing, coaching, intuitive healing, transformation and so much personal development. I helped women leave toxic relationships, fall in love with themselves and find their passion and purpose. I also taught dance and lead teams to teach to over 100,000 kids in schools helping students become more confident in their self expression, accepting of one another, connected to their community and kind to each other. It was INCREDIBLY rewarding and I was asked to speak on stages about leadership, healing, and to energize crowds of up to 4000 people at conferences.

One of my favourite places to visit was Kenya.

I went there in 2011 to help build a school and the women at Living Positive Kenya who all have HIV/ Aids and live in the slums asked if I could teach THEM dance!

Every day we danced and I eventually taught a few of the women how to teach DANCEPL3Y so that they could keep this powerful healing movement going in their community to help the community come together and heal.

Throughout the years we have built a sustainable garden, which has now turned into a farm that feeds the community, have expanded the school, have supported the organizations efforts to help hundreds of women build businesses and thrive, and we are currently working on an entrepreneurship space so that we can reach even more people in building their own businesses.

It is one of my favourite places on the planet and favourite communities to dance/ work/ play/ transform with.

I then moved to Fort McMurray Alberta and worked for a mental health and suicide prevention/ intervention organization called Some other Solutions.

My job was as the Youth Engagement Facilitator and I created programs around mental health for the youth in the community.

I worked one on one with students, as well as in small groups. I also educated the teachers and school districts about mental health initiatives.

I presented at conferences, worked with the school districts and hospitals to bring in different initiatives, and helped the schools thrive.

At this time I was also building a business with a network marketing company which was all about creating leaders, building community and helping people connect to their purpose, their bigger vision for their lives and to THRIVE. I spent those years focused on leadership development, and building a community of heart centred leaders who lifted up other women. I also spent a lot of time helping people with their money blocks and connecting to what they DESIRE in life. I used my coaching and healing experience to help people THRIVE in business. I was quite successful in that company for 5 years until it was time for me to move on.


2 years later, in 2016 I moved to Vancouver to launch PL3Y Education BC which teaches DANCEPL3Y and YOGAPL3Y to kids in schools across the province. I sold this business in July 2022, and in the 6 years my 10 instructors and I taught over 75,000 kids in hundreds of schools across the province. The programs help to build positive mental health, physical literacy and healthy social interactions. They are powerful and transformative and I spoke on stages, energize crowds, teach teachers about movement and mental health and physical literacy and oversee the team.

Throughout the last 15 years I have taken many various coaching programs, have opened up my intuition, have channelled messages for people, have been coaching leaders to rise, have helped people overcome their blocks, and transform their LIVES. This has been a huge part of my life’s work woven into all of the businesses that I have done. In the last year I have started to step into this passion even more by working with women wanting to heal, love themselves, find their purpose and passion and start their own businesses.


 I LOVE working with burnt out entrepreneurs to help them transform overwhelm and anxiety so they can align with their soul, their feminine energy and create a life filled with freedom, limitless wealth & make a large impact that transforms lives! 


I run a Mastermind called Femme Impact which is so next level, and I love running programs like the Embodied Radiance program to help women tap into their feminine radiance, and heal their bodies, and Passion to Action which helps people take their ideas and put them into action.


If you would like more information about ANY of these things please check them out on the website and then email me for more information in the contact section.


My 1:1 coaching is currently accepting new applications. Click on Coaching and Apply now for more information!

The BEST way to work with me...



You can also come and join me at Ignite your Fire- Intuitive Lounge for Female Entrepreneurs, which is my free Facebook group/ community that I am building with like heart, soul preneurs who are ready to ACTIVATE their fullest potential. 


I look forward to playing and dancing with you!